I'm 20. I live in the suburbs. I own a car. Never been a fan of driving, I would actually love to Uber everywhere or take a train/subway but not much of an option where I live. I don't particularly own a 'nice' car. It's a bit old but I love it and I'm grateful I even have one. Old or new though, I learned that whatever car you may drive, you spend a certain amount of time in your car. Driving to work, school, church, road trip, doctor visits, and the list is endless. After my first few months of driving my junior year in high school, I realized my car always had the same items for just in case moments. And some these items can be for just us girlies. I'm sure there are so many other articles out there on what is actually needed in a car or Youtube videos on car necessities but here's my version of what a high school now college student always has in her car.
Water. I am one hell of a thirsty girl (for water that is) and water has always been my drink of choice. I don't ever drink soda or alcohol. I drink coffee like once a week and green tea some mornings. But aside from my human best friends, water has been my absolute best friend my entire life. I always keep a case in the back seat. It's also come in handy at times I need to quickly rinse off and stickiness or stain off my hands. And if you always have water, you're less likely to think of stopping somewhere for a drink or buying water from your work or school vending machine. Let's be honest - those are hella pricey for a girl on a budget. I do use a reusable water bottle that I bought at Target. Nothing fancy and not a hydro flask but it does the job and for a reasonable price, all it does is store water🤷🏻♀️
Lip balm. Dude or dudette - nobody likes chapped dry lips. I certainly don't like talking with dry lips. This also doesn't just pertain to the winter. Summer, fall, and spring too fam! I usually keep the Dr.Bronner's Organic Peppermint Lip Balm.
Feminine products. Alright, this one is a no brainer for us ladies. We just always have to have some extra pads/tampons JUST IN CASE. Even if you're on the pill and your periods are perfect and you when you should be getting it, still ya just never know and things can always change and the body changes and adapts to so many things. Also, keep some on hand for your female friends who ride with you. Just keep them in a little pouch tucked away in the glove box or in the pouch on the back of your seats or even under your seats lol.
Tissues, napkins, paper towels, I can swear that this is something every car owner has and the one product I use most. Let's say I'm not even eating or drinking anything, I am bound to use a napkin to wipe something off of me or somewhere on the car during even the quickest of trips. Maybe that's just me and I'm a super clumsy person but I always have a stack and a paper towel roll in the pouch attached to my seat. And that stack of napkins they give you at drive-thrus - SAVE THEM! You'll be thanking yourself later when you use it. Five Mints. This is standard I guess. Even if you had a healthy breakfast/lunch, pop a mint into your mouth before entering a class or a meeting. Not much else to say about this. Six Floss. This may be a little extra but as a Virgo and a sufferer of cavities, I always keep floss on hand. They're literally also in my purse when I go out. Not only do they help freshen up the mouth, but they are also capable of getting stubborn food out from between your teeth after eating. Honestly, this probably never comes to mind to some drivers but it's something I've definitely used a couple hundred times at least in the car before I've gotten out of it. Along with this, instead of dedicating a whole paragraph for it, mouthwash is something I use A LOT. I always keep a travel-size mouthwash in the middle console. If you're wondering how I could possibly use mouthwash if I'm in a car and have no sink. Well, girl, there is always some empty water bottle somewhere in my car. After I've rinsed my mouth with the mouthwash, it goes right into an empty water. May sound gross to some but to me it's just another layer of mouth cleanliness lol. Seven Snacks. This isn't ideal for everyone and everyone has their reasons. But I personally like to keep snacks on hand to prevent me from stopping at like Taco Bell and grabbing a Doritos Locos Taco😋. Now I don't keep things such as Doritos or chocolate covered pretzels. In the little side thingy on my door, I don't know what it's called, I keep a bag of raw, unsalted mixed nuts. They actually hold any hunger off til I can have an actual meal and they're healthy fats to have. I used to keep RxBars in the glove box but stopped because they have natural flavors added to their "no bs" ingredient list. I always keep some kind of LaraBar instead. LaraBars I'm a fan of because they really have nothing bad, only good, in their bars. Eight An extra set of clothes. I say this because my first day of college freshman year, after my first class, my Starbucks drink was really hot and took me by surprise so I kinda jumped back a bit and it ended up spilling on my pants. Black pants I should say. It was very much noticeable. I couldn't go back home and didn't have any friends nearby. I thought of going to the college bookstore to buy a pair of sweatpants but I didn't want to dress like I didn't care on my first day of college. So I drove to the nearest Target and bought a pair of dark jeans, changed into them in the bathroom and wore those the rest of the day. There was also another day, I accidentally spilled chili on my pants and didn't have an extra pair of pants to change into. You get the gist I'm sure but girl seriously just keep an extra outfit in the back of your car folded away for an emergency. That's it for my car essentials but I could always add to this later on but for now, this is the crap lol I always keep when I'm driving in my old suv.