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College Student Money Saving Tips

Pretty Living

I’m 20, I go to college, I work a minimum wage job, and have bills to pay. Life isn’t easy when you have tuition, bills and literal basic life expenses to cover while only making the bear minimum. I’ve struggled once and haven’t gone back to that crappy (yes, crappy) life again. It’s hard to build up a good relationship with managing your money but it is definitely doable. I’ll be sharing for both sides - the ones who live on campus and the ones who don’t. Let’s just get to the tips.

Tip One: Textbooks

This is a huge one. Not a single student can get out of this as almost 90% of classes at every institution require some sort of text. Try your absolute best to find the cheapest textbook you can. Websites like Chegg, Amazon, and are the typical go to. Rent the textbooks if you can so you get for half the price and don’t have to keep it laying around until you’re finally able to re sell it on eBay. Just by steering clear of your school's bookstore, you’re already helping yourself out. Now this doesn’t go for the lab manual that certain lab classes will require it being brand new for but literally every other class. If you don’t like physical texts, lucky you because online textbooks are usually significantly cheaper.

Tip Two: Meals

I’ve read lots of posts online saying to avoid grocery shopping as it is expensive. This can’t be farther from the truth. If you are living on campus, get the best meal plan that fits your eating habits. If you are not living on campus, invest in weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly grocery shopping trips. Buying bulk especially in fruits and vegetables, your wallet and health will love you for it. You’ll even feel better about yourself. Buy a couple chicken breasts, leafy greens, bag of potatoes and a few seasonings to make whole and healthy meals for yourself. I actually have meal plans created for busy college students.

Tip Three: Entertainment

Cut down outings to about once a month. Yes, you read that right. Once a month. You’ll still have friends, just no need to go out and pay ridiculous prices for certain things such as drinks at a bar or some expensive dinner because someone is going abroad. Honestly it’s nothing but nonsense saying you have a great time being wasted with all your “friends” then feeling so gross the next day and feeling even worse you even went out because nothing good came out of that night. Partying will not get you your degree.

Tip Four: Student discounts

Take advantage of these. I can’t stress how much these will be of benefit to you. Typically local shops will have signs put up reading “students get a 15% discount,” No matter what the place is, use the discount and make sure you have your student ID with you to provide proof you are a student. I know I’ve actually used this a few times myself when signing up at the gym or walking into local boutiques. Take advantage sis!

Tip Five: Coffee

Coffee shops are typically occupied with college students, it’s become normal. OKay sure, you’re studying there but what are you also doing? Buying a single cup of coffee when you could be buying an entire month's worth that same amount. Starbucks coffee is just as enjoyable if you make it yourself. Also, you get to customize it.

Tip Six: Society

Please don’t fall into the trap of having to buy or do certain things to “fit in.” There will never be a good reason to buy designer bags, shoes, or coats. Yes, a Canada Goose might keep you warm but so will a normal jacket from Target. Again hard work will get you your degree, brand names will not. You are reading this because you want to become a little more fiscally responsible. Be the adult you know you are and do what is going to help you out in the end.

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