So warm lemon water has been almost like a trend lately. However, my mom has drilled it into my family's brains that drinking warm lemon water should be the first thing we do when we wake up. To this day, I make a cup before I even make my bed. Warm lemon water is mostly known because it’ll help with tummy fat and slimming you down. That’s actually just one benefit to drinking a cup of warm lemon water but there are more benefits than just helping with weight loss.

1.) Breath
Brushing your teeth helps with keeping a fresh breath but that’s just in the mouth area. What if you had eggs and sausage - that is for sure gonna stink up your insides and it’ll be known when you speak. Making yourself a cup after you’ve had breakfast is the most sure way to get rid of any stinky breath.
2.) Digestion
Helping with digestion doesn’t necessarily mean weight loss. Drinking a cup of warm lemon water everyday, like an apple, gets your digestive system going. This warm drink allows for food eaten to be digested a bit easier and cleans out the toxins in your digestive system. If you suffer from constipation and don’t want to eat an entire apple or don’t like dates, please drink a cup of warm lemon water and you’ll wish you had done it sooner.
3.) Vitamin C
Since lemon is a citrus fruit, it obviously has vitamin C. And we ladies all know and love our vitamin C. Vitamin C in lemons is known to aid with lowering blood pressure, anti-aging, reducing cardiovascular risk, dry skin, reducing risk of getting the common cold, and sun damage.
4.) Weight Loss
Finally the one almost everyone loves. Yes, having a cup either first thing in morning or before bed at night can tremendously help with losing some excess weight. Oh and all the good antioxidants that lemons are full of, reduce the chance of getting diabetes by maintaining a balanced insulin resistance and blood glucose levels. My mom once told me that drinking warm lemon water literally “flushes all the bad out of your body just like how the kidneys rid the body of toxins.”
How to:
Bring a pot or kettle of water to boil. Pour some of that hot water into a tea cup. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze into the cup. Allow to cool down a bit and drink while warm. Enjoy!
Personally I like to add two to three thin slices of ginger to give an extra health boost. If you don’t like the smell or taste of ginger, you may also add a teaspoon of honey (my mom loves this), some cinnamon, mint, cloves, or even turmeric.